
These are the configuration settings when you create a new portal.

Property Description Portal Variable
Title The Portal title. This is how the page will render the title: <title>{Portal Title} - {Page Title}</title> title
Url Suffix The directory name: [instance:port]/url_suffix/ to idenfity the portal url_suffix
Homepage Index page associated to this portal homepage, homepage_dv
Knowledge base Knowledge base home page kb_knowledge_base, kb_knowledge_base_dv
Social QA Knowledge Base Default QA knowledge base sqanda_knowledge_base_dv
KB home page Default KB home page kb_knowledge_page, kb_knowledge_page_dv
Login page Default Login Page login_page, login_page_dv
Logo Company logo logo
Icon Company icon icon
Default Default Portal default
Quick start config Configuration settings generated by the Branding editor quick_start_config
CSS variables Portal specific Sass variables. You can overwrite existing theme variables in here.
Application Application scope
404 page Default 404 Page notfound_page, notfound_page_dv
Catalog Service Catalog in use
Catalog home page Catalog home page sp_catalog, sp_catalog
Main menu Reference to widget used for the menu sp_rectangle_menu, sp_rectangle_menu_dv
Theme Theme in use theme, theme_dv

You can access to all these properties from the Client Script using: $scope.portal

Error: Please enter a valid email address

Error: Invalid email

Error: Please enter your first name

Error: Please enter your last name

Error: Please enter a username

Error: Please enter a password

Error: Please confirm your password

Error: Password and password confirmation do not match