Widget HTML

This is where the HTML markup for your widget goes. Inside the template , you can leverage AngularJS’s two-way binding to bind your controller variables to your markup. It uses the controllerAs c syntax for basic binding.

  ${Symbol Lookup}: 
  <input ng-model="c.data.symbol" 
    ng-model-options="{debounce: 750}" ng-change="c.update()" placeholder="Type stock symbol" />
  <div ng-show="c.data.symbol" style="font-size: 2em;">        
    <p>${Stock Price}: 
      <span ng-if="!c.data.price">${Requesting stock price}</span><span>{{c.data.price | currency:"$"}}</span>
    <img ng-src="http://chart.finance.yahoo.com/z?s={{c.data.symbol}}&t=1d&z=l" />

Error: Please enter a valid email address

Error: Invalid email

Error: Please enter your first name

Error: Please enter your last name

Error: Please enter a username

Error: Please enter a password

Error: Please confirm your password

Error: Password and password confirmation do not match