
To internationalize strings in a widget, use ${string} or gs.getMessage("message"). See when to use one form or another below:

Translating strings in the HTML template

Translating strings in the Client Script

Translating strings in the Server Script

Safe translations

Language Switch Widget

Translating strings in the HTML template

HTML Template

  <p>${This message will be internationalized.}</p>
  <p>However, this will NOT be.</p>

Writing text as ${message} is the equivalent of writing ${gs.getMessage("message")} in other parts of the system, but written as a more legible shorthand.

Translating strings in the Client Script

Client Script

Text can be internationalized the same way inside a client script.

function() {
  var c = this;
  c.message = "${This message will be internationalized}";

HTML Template

  <!-- The output of this text will be internationalized. -->

Translating strings in the Server Script

Great for translating schema options and other values fetch during server-side runtime.

Server Script

function() {  
  data.message = gs.getMessage("this message contains 'quotes'");
HTML Template

Safe translations

In some cases, the translation might have quotes or double quotes on it. That could lead to JavasScript errors if you are using the ${} syntax in the client script.
The safest way to fetch a translated message is to do it in the server script. Then, assign the value to a client-side angular binding.

Language Switch Widget

Users might want to change the language on the portal. The following Widget can be used as template to implement a customized language switch:

HTML Template:
  ${Change Language}:
  <button class="btn btn-default" ng-click="c.changed()">Apply</button> 
Client Script:
function($window) {  
  var c = this;     
    c.language = {value: 'en', displayValue: 'English'};        
    c.changed = function(a) {                           
        c.server.get(c.language).then(function() {          
Server Script:
(function() {           
 if (input) {        
     var user = gs.getUser();            
     user.setPreference("user.language", input.value);

Error: Please enter a valid email address

Error: Invalid email

Error: Please enter your first name

Error: Please enter your last name

Error: Please enter a username

Error: Please enter a password

Error: Please confirm your password

Error: Password and password confirmation do not match