
Client Side

Command / Function Description
console.log(String|Object) Outputs to the browser console. When used in the Client Controller, this command is native to the browser.
<pre>{{data|json}}</pre> Add this to the template. Uses Angular json filter to display content of data object in an easy-to-read fashion
debugger; Native to Chrome and Firefox to set a browser breakpoint, letting an admin step through script line by line

Server Side

Command / Function Description
console.log(String|Object) Outputs to the browser console. When used in the Server Script, can log server-side JavaScript Objects and Strings
$sp.log(String|Object) Outputs to a Service Portal page. Can log server-side JavaScript Objects and Strings. Similar to gs.addInfoMessage(String) but only outputs if user has sp_admin role or is impersonating.
gs.log(String) Normal ServiceNow function to output text to the syslog database table.
gs.warn(String) Normal ServiceNow function to output text to the syslog database table as a WARNING.
gs.error(String) Normal ServiceNow function to output text to the syslog database table as an ERROR.
gs.addInfoMessage(String) Normal ServiceNow function to output a message to the page in the browser, visible in the ServiceNow UI
gs.addErrorMessage(String) Normal ServiceNow function to output an error to the page in the browser, visible in the ServiceNow UI

Error: Please enter a valid email address

Error: Invalid email

Error: Please enter your first name

Error: Please enter your last name

Error: Please enter a username

Error: Please enter a password

Error: Please confirm your password

Error: Password and password confirmation do not match