Bootstrap Dropdowns in Fuji

I’ve been getting a lot of email lately about Bootstrap dropdowns no longer working in Fuji. Even some of the old JavaScript solutions that seemed to resolve the conflicts between Prototype.js and Bootstrap.js no longer seem to be working in Fuji. The issue is being worked on and hopefully should be resolved in an upcoming patch, however until then I offer this simple, hacky but working solution:

In the few cases where I have tested this, it seems to resolve the problem and dropdowns go back to working as usual.


  1. Hey Nathan,
    I was having an issue with the dropdowns of the CMS site I’m working on, specifically the dropdown menus would disappear when they were clicked, and I tried this fix. It did stop the dropdowns from disappearing, however, the dropdowns still don’t work. When clicked no dropdown menu appears. Have you seen an issue like this before?

    1. Jacob, I have not personally experienced this, every time I tested the fix it seemed to work. The menus disappearing is a known issue and hopefully should be addressed in an upcoming hotfix. If I get some time I will investigate the issue and see if I can reproduce it. Thanks.

  2. Hey Nathan,

    I’m getting the same experience as Jacob. It seems to keep the menus from vanishing, but is preventing the data-toggle from working. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you,

      1. Nathan,

        looks like Bootstrap is automatically included in the system… is there any way we can disable that ??


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